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"Dinacharya" is taking the time to nurture yourself during the day to help balance your doshas. Gather ideas on rituals that help create natural rhythm within your body and connect with the Earth's cycle. 
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The Fall equinox reminds us it's time to leave summer behind and start detoxing. In Ayurveda, Kitchari is the ultimate source of healing and can help jump start your gut flora and improve your digestion going into the winter season.

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To decorate for the Harvest season, we added our artisan crafted candle votives from the Anaya Mosaic Glass Collection to the fireplace mantle of the Rye Tavern, Plymouth MA circa 1792. Lighting candles has become a part of our nightly routine as it adds warmth and a touch of romance. "Fire" is one of the five elements in Ayurveda. It generates energy and warmth, and is one of the most important elements to have in every room during the Fall season.
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In Ayurvedic studies, every person is made of five basic elements found in the universe: Space, Air, Fire, Water, Earth. These elements combine in the human body to form three life forces or energies called doshas. Each dosha is made up of two of the five elements:
Vata- Space & Air
Pitta- Fire & Water
Kapha- Water & Earth
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